
Looking for post-doctoral researchers working on sustainable technologies for the regeneration of urban and industrial wastewaters and production of advanced biofuels from oleaginous and agro-forest biomass for Marie Curie action in Mostoles, Madrid Spain


Chemical and Environmental Engineering Group (CEE) located at the Higher School of  Experimental Sciences and Technology (ESCET) of the Rey Juan Carlos University  ( is looking for potential  candidates to apply to FP7-PEOPLE Marie Curie programme (Intra-European Fellowships for  Career Development (IEF) and International Incoming Fellowships (IIF)). Topics considered for the grant submission are: Topic: Sustainable technologies for the regeneration of …Detalii

EEN Newsletter, no 272 / 23-2013

EEN Newsletter, no 272 / 23-2013

Enterprise Europe Network carries out a variety of events to promote their activities to companies and organisations at regional, national or European level. The events provide you the opportunity to meet potential cooperation partners during  pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, to present your business or technology offers. Read more…

ROSTeu-ul săptămînii 3-7 iunie 2013

ROSTeu-ul săptămînii 3-7 iunie 2013

 ROSTeu-ul săptămînii 3-7 iunie 2013

TALENTS UP international fellowship programme (COFUND Action)


The call for proposal is now open and it might be of interest of international and national researchers working in your organisation and willing to carry out research in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)! The programme is developed by AREA Science Park within the Coordination Network and is cofunded by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and by the European Union …Detalii

BULETIN SĂPTĂMÎNAL al Oficiului Republicii Moldova pentru Ştiinţă şi Tehnologie pe lîngă Uniunea Europeană (MOST)

BULETIN SĂPTĂMÎNAL al Oficiului Republicii Moldova pentru Ştiinţă şi Tehnologie pe lîngă Uniunea Europeană (MOST)

Oficiul Republicii Moldova pentru Ştiinţă şi Tehnologie pe lîngă Uniunea Europeană (MOST), vă aduce săptămînal în instituţiile de cercetare ale Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei şi în instituţiile de învăţămînt superior cele mai relevante  şi importante noutăţi din domeniul european de cercetare- inovare prin intermediul unui Buletin informaţional. Detalii…