
Croatia: JRC info day

Croatia: JRC info day

In the run up to Croatia’s accession to the EU, which will take place on 1 July, the JRC has today organised an information day in Zagreb, in order to update the Croatian scientific and policy community about the different possibilities of cooperation with the European Commission’s in-house science service. Read more…

EEN Newsletter, no 271 / 22-2013

EEN Newsletter, no 271 / 22-2013

Enterprise Europe Network carries out a variety of events to promote their activities to companies and organisations at  regional, national or European level. The events provide you the opportunity to meet potential cooperation partners during  pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, to present your business or technology offers. Details…

Consiliului Competitivităţii, Bruxelles, 29-30 mai 2013


In perioada 29-30 mai, la Bruxelles, a a vut  loc şedinţa Consiliului Competitivităţii.  În cadrul părţii dedicate cercetării a reuniunii au fost prezentate Recomandările Grupului la nivel înalt privind managementul politicii inovationale. Acesta a fost creat la propunerea Poloniei, in cadrul Consiliului de competitivitate din 6 decembrie 2011, in scopul de a elabora propuneri concrete pentru consolidarea iniţiativelor existente şi în vederea …Detalii

Six new scientific clusters to support Danube strategy

Six new scientific clusters to support Danube strategy

Six new scientific clusters to support Danube strategy

Reminder – Second open call for the 2013 PROMITHEAS Conference


PROMITHEAS   The Energy and Climate Change Policy Network  2nd open call  The PROMITHEAS Network is organizing for the sixth year the  International Scientific Conference on“Energy and Climate Change”  Policy Portfolios for emerging economies 9-10-11 October 2013 Athens (Greece)    Please find updated details regarding this event (topics, deadlines, registration fees, members of the Scientific Committee) at the attached documents. For submitting abstracts please use the attached template. …Detalii