
NEWSLETTER 15, January 2013

NEWSLETTER 15, January 2013

NEWSLETTER 15, January 2013

ROSTeu – ul saptaminii 14 – 18 ianuarie, 2013


 ROSTeu – ul saptaminii 14 – 18 ianuarie, 2013

EEN Newsletter, no 252 / 3-2013


Enterprise Europe Network carries out a variety of events to promote their activities to companies and organisations at regional, national or European level. The events provide you the opportunity to meet potential cooperation partners during pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, to present your business or technology offers.  EEN Newsletter, no 252 / 3-2013

We cordially invite you to participate in ‘RESEARCH 2013 – Challenges of professionalization of R&D Management in scientific institutions’ – Conference organized by Cracow University of Economics and ‘Education for Entrepreneurship’ Association.


Conference Date: February 19th, 2013 Conference Time: 09:30 Conference Venue: Assembly Hall (Stara Aula), Main Building, Cracow University of Economics Among speakers, invited to take part in aforementioned event, are experts in the field of R&D management from key institutions, responsible for the development of this particular area. proRESEARCH 2013 brings together representatives of Polish national funding bodies (Ministry of Science and Higher Education, National Research and …Detalii

EURAXESS – Moldova

EURAXESS – Moldova

 EURAXESS is a unique pan-European initiative providing access  to a complete range of information and support services for European  and non-European researchers wishing to pursue research careers in  Europe. EURAXESS offers access to the job market; assists researchers in advancing their careers in another European country and supports  scientific organisations in their search for outstanding research  talent. EURAXESS is a …Detalii