
Global Conference on Global Warming 2015 (GCGW-15) May 24-27, 2015 Athens, Greece

Global Conference on Global Warming 2015 (GCGW-15)  May 24-27, 2015  Athens, Greece

It is our great pleasure to make an open invitation for the next conference: GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON GLOBAL WARMING-2015 (GCGW-15) which will be held in Athens, Greece, on May 24-27, 2014. The GCGW-15 is a multi–disciplinary international conference on global warming and climate change issues and potential solutions, aiming to provide a forum for the: exchange of technical information, dissemination …Detalii

Call for Ideas – Pilot / demonstration projects HORIZON 2020 – Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials

Call for Ideas – Pilot / demonstration projects HORIZON 2020 – Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials

As part of the work programme 2016-2017 of the societal challenge 5 “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials” (SC5) of the Horizon 2020 framework programme, the European Commission intends to open calls for large-scale pilot/demonstration projects. This builds on the advice from the Societal Challenge 5 Advisory Group and on the response to a public consultation in spring 2014[1] …Detalii

ERA NEWSLETTER Issue 3, December 2014

ERA NEWSLETTER Issue 3, December 2014

Gender Equality: to ensure ERA’s success we need to involve all our talented researchers  This edition of the ERA newsletter focuses on gender in research, a timely topic coming in the wake of the 2014 ERA Progress Report. This report provides an overall picture of progress made on the ERA priorities, including gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research. It underlines …Detalii

Anunţarea concursului pentru ocuparea poziţiilor vacante de Puncte Naţionale de Contact în cadrul Centrului Proiecte Internaţionale al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei


Poziţiile anunţate pentru concurs sunt prevăzute pentru persoanele care vor ocupa funcţiile de bază în calitate de Punct Naţional de Contact responsabil de domeniile stabilite de UE în cadrul Programului Orizont 2020, după cum urmează: 1.     NCP pe domeniile (este domeniul unde se discută politicile, luarea deciziilor in cercetare-inovare la nivel european. Aplicantul trebuie să deţină grad ştiinţific de doctor sau doctor …Detalii

New COST Open Call now published! We will be gathering Action proposals by 24 March 2015, the first Collection Date


The new Open Call has now been published. Proposals can be submitted as of February 2015. The first Collection Date will be 24 March 2015. As of February (the exact date will be communicated in January), you will be able to submit your proposals anytime throughout the year via thenew e-COST online submission tool. The COST Open Call will continue having the spring …Detalii