
Newsletter EEN no 327

Newsletter EEN no 327

The Enterprise Europe Network is a key instrument in the EU’s strategy to boost growth and jobs. Bringing together close to 600 business support organisations from more than 50 countries, we help SMEs the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market. More…

Attend AAL Forum in Bucharest for free – 100 vouchers for free registration

Attend AAL Forum in Bucharest for free – 100 vouchers for free registration

This is your chance to be one of the 100 beneficiaries of AAL forum free registration vouchers. Register at Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Forum 2014 – event dedicated to ICT solutions to support better quality of life for older adults, hosted for the first time in an Eastern Europe country. Who can apply for the 100 vouchers? Interested people in the AAL field from South-Est European countries, Balcan countries …Detalii

Chestionar privind implementarea şi administrarea proiectelor Programului Cadru 7


Stimaţi beneficiari ai proiectelor PC7, Cu scopul de a evalua şi soluţiona eventualele probleme cu care Vă confruntaţi pe parcursul implementării proiectelor Dvs., Vă rugăm respectuos să prezentaţi chestionarul completat la Centrul Proiecte Internaţionale, AŞM, pîna la 1 septembrie, 2014. Chestionarul îl  puteţi găsi aici. Adresa Centrului Proiecte Internaţionale: Bd. Ştefan cel Mare,1. Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei Et.IV,  Bir.433, 434 Tel: …Detalii

START – Danube Region Project Fund

START – Danube Region Project Fund

FIRST CALL for proposals: 18.07.2014 to 17.09.2014 Here you can find all relevant documents for the application: Application form Guidelines for Applicants START Information Factsheet Please read carefully the document “Guidelines for applicants” before completing the application form. Applications must be uploaded (as signed scan and open word file) through the START online application tool from 15th – 17th of September. Read more…

European IPR Helpdesk eBulletin – May to July 2014


Fact sheets IP management in Horizon 2020: project implementation and conclusion This final fact sheet of our Horizon 2020 series highlights the steps you need to follow to pave the way for the exploitation and dissemination of the intellectual property generated during the implementation of your project. Open access to publications and data in Horizon 2020: FAQ All projects receiving …Detalii