
Zi de Informare la Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol

Infodays and Trainings

În cadrul campaniei Zilelor de Informare privind Programul European de Cercetare-Inovare ”Orizont 2020”, care va demara de la 1 ianuarie 2014,  Centrul Proiecte Internaționale, la data de 3 decembrie 2013, a prezentat un set de materiale informative privind oportunitățile oferite de  Programul ,,Orizont 2020” și inițiativele programului ,,EURAXESS-Cercetători în Mișcare”. În cadrul evenimentului au fost prezentate următoarele informații: -  De la Programul Cadru 7 …Detalii

USAID and Government of Sweden inviting Proposals for ‘Securing Water for Food’ Funding Opportunity


Deadline: 17 January 2014    The United States Agency for International Development(USAID) and the Government of Sweden have announced a new grant opportunity called ‘Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Securing Water for Food: A Grand Challenge for Development Competition’ andNGOs around the world are invited to apply for it.         This funding competition has been designed to address barriers to enable the production of more food with less water and/or make …Detalii

Buletin Informaţional Lunar: Mediu, Nr.4

Buletin Informaţional Lunar: Mediu, Nr.4

Punctul National de Contact din domeniul MEDIUL, vă informează lunar cele mai relevante şi importante noutăţi din domeniul: „Combaterea Schimbărilor Climatice, Utilizarea Eficientă a resurselor şi materialelor prime”, prin intermediul unui Buletinul Informaţional. Newsletter Environment No.4 

Newsletter EEN no 294

Newsletter EEN no 294

The Enterprise Europe Network is a key instrument in the EU’s strategy to boost growth and jobs. Bringing together close to 600 business support organisations from more than 50 countries, we help small and medium companies size the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market. More…

ERC News Alert


ERC news Statement from ERC President Helga Nowotny on European Parliament vote on Horizon 2020 (21 november 2013) Draft ERC Work Programme 2014, including indicative call deadlines (18 November 2013) Events with ERC participation Launch Event: EU-Russia Year of Science 2014, Moscow, Russia, 25-27 November 2013 Hungarian launch event for Horizon 2020, Budapest, Hungary, 26 November 2013 “ERC under Horizon 2020″ national …Detalii