Archive for October 4th, 2012

Call for Participation in Marie-Curie Actions Workshop (October 24 – 26, 2012)


    In the framework of the MOLD-ERA project a three-day workshop on Marie-Curie Actions will be organised on October 24-26 2012. The event will cover such aspects as: overview of different types of Marie-Curie Grants, how to participate, how to write a successful project, financial rules and regulations etc. The workshop concerns the participation of PhD students and young researchers from research institutions, universities, and SMEs performing research and development …Detalii

FP7 KBBE – Plant ingredients for use in the industry for cosmetics and personal care


PS: FP7 KBBE – Plant ingredients for use in the industry for cosmetics and personal care BBS Ref: 12 DK 20B7 3PP1 ABSTRACT A centre for chemistry and biotechnology at a Danish technological institute wishes to coordinate and manage a project proposal under the topic KBBE.2013.3.1-01: Plant High Value Products – from discovery to final product. Based on wild plants …Detalii