Archive for April, 2013

BULETIN SĂPTĂMÎNAL al Oficiului Republicii Moldova pentru Ştiinţă şi Tehnologie pe lîngă Uniunea Europeană (MOST)


 Oficiul Republicii Moldova pentru Ştiinţă şi Tehnologie pe lîngă Uniunea Europeană (MOST), vă aduce săptămînal în instituţiile de cercetare ale Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei şi în instituţiile de învăţămînt superior cele mai relevante  şi importante noutăţi din domeniul european de cercetare- inovare prin intermediul unui Buletin informaţional. Detalii…

ROSTeu-ul saptamanaii 22-26 aprilie 2013

ROSTeu-ul saptamanaii 22-26 aprilie 2013

 ROSTeu-ul saptămănii 22-26 aprilie 2013

IOM Moldova study: Moldovan Diaspora in the Russian Federation

IOM Moldova study: Moldovan Diaspora in the Russian Federation

It is the result of two years of intense work of independent experts, Moldovan Government officials, diaspora leaders and members, as well as IOM colleagues, both in Moldova and under the guidance of the RO Vienna and in the HQ. The European Union institutions, the EU Member States and the World Bank made this document possible – through their financial and moral support and …Detalii

Europe Day in Moldova 2013

Europe Day in Moldova 2013

Europe Day in Moldova 2013 European Village in Chisinau – May 18 European Union Film Festival: Chisinau -May 19-22, Tiraspol – May 24-26 European Village in Tiraspol – May 26 Details…

FP7 projects with EPP countries_2013

FP7 projects with EPP countries_2013

 FP7 projects with EPP countries_2013

Newsletter EEN no 265

Newsletter EEN no 265

Enterprise Europe Network carries out a variety of events to promote their activities to companies and organisations at regional, national or European level. The events provide you the opportunity to meet potential cooperation partners during pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, to present your business or technology offers. Details…