28JAN2015 Scientific support to digital privacy
The JRC organised today a round table debate focusing on digital privacy in relation to citizens` rights in the light of new technologies and commercial needs, in cooperation with the European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering (Euro-CASE).
27JAN2015 Launch of joint FAO/JRC e-learning course for crop monitoring and food security
The JRC produced the contents of the joint FAO-JRC e-learning course entitled: “Remotely Sensed Information for Crop Monitoring and Food Security – Techniques and methods for arid and semi-arid areas”, which is part of the EU-FAO Programme on “Improved Global Governance for Hunger Reduction”.
27JAN2015 Scientific support to Europe’s photovoltaic manufacturing industry
The JRC organised today a roundtable debate to discuss the possible ways to support the recovery of the European photovoltaic (PV) industry and to retain Europe’s prominent place in research in PV technology.
SINPHONIE, an EU-funded research project on indoor air quality in EU schools, and its impact on children’s health, has recently published its conclusions. Based on the evidence gathered, the Joint Research Centre and the partners developed guidelines for maintaining good air quality. They are expected to contribute to healthier school environments in Europe.
26JAN2015 Weakly hardened winter cereals in Europe
The first MARS Bulletin of 2015, published today, reports that winter cereals have shown little or no hardening in much of Europe, which may leave them susceptible to frost-kill damage in the event of a heavy frost.
A booming photovoltaic market in Asia has propelled China to a global leader in photovoltaic energy installations in 2013, according to the latest edition of the JRC’s PV Status Report.