The University of Padova, Italy, Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, PhD Programme in Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies, aim at attracting qualified international Early Stage Researchers for high quality PhD training.

One studentship for PhD Training (3 years) is now available in the framework of the general University of Padova PhD call for applications and is connected to the ERC-Starting Grant project titled “PREWArAs – The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Armed Associations and Political Violence in Europe before the First World War” (GA 699177). Within the PREWArAs Project, the PhD candidate is expected to dedicate full time to the research topic “Political violence and Armed Associations in pre-WWI Europe ( ca. 1880 – 1914). The case of Spain and Portugal”.

PREWArAs is a comparative study on armed associations operating in all major European countries in the 20 years before the I World War. The candidate will study armed associations in Spain and Portugal. Examples of armed associations include militias, paramilitary movements, pre-military groups and rifle clubs. The overall project aims to compare the practices, social backgrounds and political cultures of members of armed associations, and their connections with broader contexts. It also aims to develop interpretative frameworks to deepen and innovate our comprehension of crucial subjects, such as the origin of mass politics, the nationalisation of the masses and even the causes and effects of the Great War.

Successful candidates are expected to participate in and complete the PhD Programme in Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies (Historical Studies Curriculum).

The available PhD studentship position is dedicated to the topic “Political violence and Armed Associations in pre-WWI Europe (ca. 1880 – 1914). The case of Spain and Portugal“.

It is addressed to candidates holding a Master Degree or equivalent qualification. Applicants are expected to highlight the skills and competences they possess, which should be related to the proposed priority research topic.

They should also have a good command of English and at least written comprehension skills in Spanish and Portoguese. The research project proposal that applicants submit should be consistent with the topic defined for the priority research


Application deadline is at 1:00 p.m. on June 30th 2017.

Any further clarification requests can be addressed to <>

More information here

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