In atention to the Scientific Community of Moldova!
Centrul Proiecte Internaţionale propune pentru atenţia Dvs. următoarele documente importante referitar la Programul European de Cercetare și Inovare ”Orizont 2020” (2014-2020):
- Ghid de participare la Programul Cadru al UE de cercetare-inovare “ORIZONT 2020” (2014-2020);
- Пять шагов навстречу «Горизонту» – рекомендации для начинающих участников Рамочной программы ЕС по науке и инновациям «Горизонт 2020»
- Horizon 2020 Annotated Model Grant Agreements General Model Grant Agreement and specific Model Grant Agreements (ERC, SME Instrument, ERA-NET Cofund, PCP-PPI Cofund, EJP Cofund, Framework Partnerships and Specific Agreements);
- Fifth edition of the guide to Europe’s innovation strategy and its first work programmes: HORIZON 2020 BIGGER SIMPLER BOLDER