Vino la Marea Finală Science SLAM și decide care va fi cercetarea anului 2016

Vino la Marea Finală Science SLAM și decide care va fi cercetarea anului 2016

Pentru că vine sfârșitul anului 2016 e timpul să facem totalurile. Timp de 12 luni am urmărit și votat cele mai interesante cercetări din Republica Moldova, iar acum trebuie să decidem care dintre acestea este cea mai bună. Vino pe 13 decembrie, ora 18:00, la Draft Arena (Bd. Dacia, 35) și petrece două ore cu cel mai tare eveniment științific …Detalii

incrEAST newsletter No 33


Welcome to the final issue of the incrEAST newsletter. The end of this year also marks the end of the FP7 funded IncoNet EaP project, which has been running the web portal incrEAST and provided this newsletter since September 2013. Under several predecessor projects, the web portal and newsletter have developed into a trusted source of information since 2008. New …Detalii

LE STUDIUM Smart Loire Valley Progamme – Call for applications


LE STUDIUM Institute for Advanced Studies is pleased to inform you that the call for applications of the Smart Loire Valley Programme* – Campaign 2017 -  is now open. Deadline for submission of applications is set on 9th February 2017 at 5:00pm (CET Paris time). This call is open to all research disciplines and offers post-doctoral fellowships for international experienced researchers in …Detalii

Great news: the revamped EURAXESS portal is live now!

Great news: the revamped EURAXESS portal is live now!

Dear all, We are delighted to announce the launch of the revamped EURAXESS portal. You are probably already wondering what does the new EURAXESS portal have to offer, right? Well, here are a few of the exciting new & improved features: Responsive Design: the revamped EURAXESS portal has been designed to adapt to any type of device: mobile, laptop, desktop; Broader Target …Detalii

Call for applications – OSF Eurasia Fellowship Programme at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies (University of Tartu)


The University of Tartu (Estonia) announces a call for applications for doctoral candidates and PhD-holding academics in the Social Sciences for a five-month fellowship at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, supported by the Eurasia Program of the Open Society Foundations. The call is addressed to citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and …Detalii