incrEAST newsletter No 32


This is the penultimate issue of the incrEAST newsletter. The web portal incrEAST is currently run by the EU-funded projects IncoNet EaP and IncoNet CA (STI International Cooperation Networks for Eastern Partnership countries / Central Asian countries). IncoNet CA will conclude its activities next month and IncoNet EaP will end in December 2016, making the upcoming November issue the last …Detalii

Rezultatele concursului de proiecte de cercetare anunţat de către Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei (AŞM) şi Autoritatea Naţională pentru Cercetare Ştiinţifică și Inovare din România (ANCSI) lansat în perioada 1-31 martie 2016


În conformitate cu prevederile pct. 68, lit. g) şi 70 ale Regulamentului privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea concursului programelor de stat şi al proiectelor în sfera ştiinţei şi inovării, aprobat prin Hotărîrea Guvernului nr. 809 din 29.10.2015 cu privire la aprobarea Acordului de Parteneriat dintre Guvernul şi Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei pentru anul 2015, Centrul Proiecte Intranaţionale prezintă punctajul obţinut …Detalii

The International Visegrad Fund – Grant Guidelines

The International Visegrad Fund – Grant Guidelines

The International Visegrad Fund is an inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tion based in Bratislava, Slovakia. The pur­pose of the Fund is to facilitate and pro­mote the devel­op­ment of closer coop­er­a­tion among cit­i­zens and insti­tu­tions in the region as well as between the V4 region (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and other coun­tries, espe­cially the Western Balkans and coun­tries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, …Detalii

S3 Platform Newsletter


Communication activity includes the publication of a concise “S3 Newsletter” on the S3 Platform website and its distribution to the registered regions and countries and to all those who have subscribed to the mailing list. The Newsletter has been issued 12 times in 2015, i.e. about monthly with a special edition announcing the March High level conference on Research and …Detalii

Pre-anouncement: New round of Call for Twinning Projects

Pre-anouncement: New round of Call for Twinning Projects

Within ‘The International Cooperation Network for Eastern Partnership Countries’ (IncoNet EaP) project, a third call for proposals for‘Twinning Grants’ will be launched in early September 2016. This funding instrument represents one of the core project activities and has so far been implemented very successfully in two rounds. Within the first call, 16 proposals were submitted and 11 projects have been funded. Several Horizon …Detalii