Archive for August, 2014

Zi de Informare pentru domeniile Mediu şi Energie în Programul “ORIZONT 2020″

Events in Moldova

         La data de 26 august 2014, Centrul Proiecte Internaţionale al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, în calitate de partener al proiectului FP7 IncoNet EaP ( a organizat seminarul de informare dedicat domeniilor Energie şi Mediu în Programul Uniunii Europene pentru Cercetare şi Inovare Orizont 2020 ( Evenimentul s-a desfăşurat în incinta Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei şi a avut drept obiectiv diseminarea informaţiilor sub aspect teoretic şi …Detalii

Science with and for Society – SwafS – Partner search

Science with and for Society – SwafS – Partner search

Attached you will find, a Partner Search of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid to join a consortium on the topic GERI.4.2014 “Impact of Gender Diversity on Research & Innovation”. Their main field of expertise is on research for developing personal and social conditions to promote girls’ creativity. Profile 

Zi de Informare pentru domeniile Mediu şi Energie în cadrul Programului “Orizont 2020″

Zi de Informare pentru domeniile Mediu şi Energie în cadrul Programului “Orizont 2020″
Infodays and Trainings

La data de 26 august 2014, Centrul Proiecte Internaţionale al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei  organizează ziua de informare dedicată domeniilor Energie şi Mediu în Programul Uniunii Europene pentru Cercetare şi Inovare “Orizont 2020″ ( Evenimentul, care se va desfăşura în incinta Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei (Bd. Ştefan cel Mare 1, Sala Mică, et. 2), va avea drept obiectiv …Detalii

Newsletter EEN no 329

Newsletter EEN no 329

Enterprise Europe Network carries out a variety of events to promote their activities to companies and organisations at regional, national or European level. The events provide you the opportunity to meet potential cooperation partners during pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, to present your business or technology offers. Read more…

Newsletter EEN no 328

Newsletter EEN no 328

The Enterprise Europe Network is a key instrument in the EU’s strategy to boost growth and jobs. Bringing together close to 600 business support organisations from more than 50 countries, we help SMEs the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market. Read more…

Newsletter EEN no 327

Newsletter EEN no 327

The Enterprise Europe Network is a key instrument in the EU’s strategy to boost growth and jobs. Bringing together close to 600 business support organisations from more than 50 countries, we help SMEs the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market. More…