Archive for September 8th, 2015

Institutului National de Cercetari Economice i-a fost acordat LOGO-ul ,,EXCELENTA IN CERCETARE”


Comunicat de presa Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei Comisia Europeana a acordat Institutului National de Cercetari Economice LOGO-ul ,,EXCELENTA IN CERCETARE” Institutului National de Cercetari Economice (INCE) i-a fost acordat, la 6 septembrie 2015, LOGO-ul ,,EXCELENTA IN CERCETARE”, de catre Directoratul General pentru Cercetare al Comisiei Europene, cu sediul la Bruxelles, INCE, devenind primul institut din sfera stiintei si inovarii din Republica Moldova, caruia i-a fost conferit aceasta certificare. ,,LOGO-ului ,,Excelenta in cercetare” propulseaza sistemul …Detalii

EAST-HORIZON training event in Moldova – 2nd round

EAST-HORIZON training event in Moldova – 2nd round
Infodays and Trainings

As part of the EAST-HORIZON project, “Fostering Dialogue and Cooperation between the EU and EECA in the HORIZON 2020 perspective,” the Academy of Sciences in Moldova is proud to announce that the Second H2020 ICT Open Training Event will be held on 14-15 September 2015 in Chisinau, Moldova. The main objective of the event is to bring together potential participants in proposal writing for new funding …Detalii