Dear Sir/Madam,

The RESAVER Consortium was set up on 1 October 2014 to create a single European pension arrangement for research institutions as of 2015. The aim of the consortium is to create a tailor-made scheme that will assist employers to attract researchers in an increasingly competitive environment. This cross-border pension arrangement will remove pensions as a barrier to researchers’ mobility and as a result contribute to the establishment of a genuine European labour market for research professionals.

In light of recent progress, we would like to invite your organisation to participate in the RESAVER consortium. Being a member will help you stay informed about developments and will greatly facilitate future enrolment of your organisation in the pension scheme.

RESAVER – Retirement Savings Vehicle for European Research Institutions

RESAVER will be a state of the art retirement savings product that will enable mobile and non-mobile employees to remain affiliated to the same pension vehicle when moving between different countries and changing jobs. By participating in RESAVER, employers will be able to sponsor a single European pension arrangement capable of delivering:

  • Cross-border pooling of pension plans;
  • Continuity of the accumulation of pension benefits as professionals move between different organisations and countries during their career;
  • Lower overhead costs (and therefore improving member benefits) through economies of scale;
  • Access to high quality investments independent of the country where the employee is based (where legally possible), and therefore improving overall member benefits;
  • A pan-European risk pooling solution covering death benefits.

The end result will be a highly dynamic retirement savings product that corresponds to the specific needs of both research institutions and their employees.

More information read here…

: News