Centre of International Projects (CIP) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, as a consortium partner in the FP7 Project IncoNet EaP, launches a grant competition scheme to financially support the participation of Moldovan researchers in large-scale Brokerage events and other similar activities related to Horizon 2020 in EU/AC countries. Such events provide an excellent arena for researchers to liaise and develop synergies, the participation therefore of researchers from the targeted countries will increase their opportunities to get involved and be taken onboard in consortia set up in EU/AC countries. It will also allow the researchers to make their institutions and/or their research networks better known.

The thematic priorities of the call are the three Societal Challenges, targeted by the project, namely Health, Energy and Climate Change.

The events that can be chosen from will be:

  • Networking events;
  • Brokerage events organized by the EC;
  • Large international events organized by other European networks (e.g Enterprise Europe Network).

An indicative list of Events (but not exclusive) is attached to this document.

Nevertheless, candidate researchers are free to identify events of high importance, which will be also considered eligible if duly justified.

There will be approximately 6-9 grants (2-3000 € per grant) per country. A simple form for applications is attached.

Description Open Call for Mobility


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