
Baza de date a infrastructurilor europene de cercetare


Baza de date a infrastructurilor europene ofera posibilitatea identificarii instalatiilor si echipamentului de cercetare in domeniul de interes. De asemenea, exista posibilitatea includerii informatiei despre infrastructura de cercetare din RM, proces care trece printr-o procedura de validare. Pentru a fi incluse in baza de date, elementele de infrastructura trebuie sa intruneasca urmatoarele conditii:       Sa ofere resurse, echipament …Detalii

FCH-JU-2013 FP7Call Brokerage Event, March 12th, Bucharest, Romania


Several calls for projects are open under the FP7 RTDI Program. A particular characteristic of FP7 was the implementation of Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI). An example of such JTI is the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU). This Platform has been developed as a public-private partnership and it is coordinating dedicated calls for projects supporting the implementation of …Detalii

Experts for Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups: Call for expressions of interest

Experts for Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups: Call for expressions of interest

  The European Commission is widening its search for experts from all fields to participate in shaping the agenda of Horizon 2020, the European Union’s future funding programme for research and innovation. The experts of the advisory groups will provide high quality and timely advice for the preparation of the Horizon 2020 calls for project proposals.   The Commission services …Detalii

ROSTeu-ul saptamanii 8-11 februarie 2013


ROSTeu-ul saptamanii 8-11 februarie 2013

INCER Conference “Innovation and collaboration in engineering research”, Romania


The International Conference “INnovation and Collaboration in Engineering Research” Second Edition | June 20 – 22, 2013 | Bucharest, Romania CALL FOR PAPERS – INCER 2013    You are cordially invited to submit your paper for presentation at the International Conference on INnovation and Collaboration in Engineering Research, which will be held from June 20 to 22, 2013 in Bucharest (capital city …Detalii