
Russia to create scheme to support Horizon 2020 involvement


The Russian Education and Science Minister has said Moscow will create a scheme to help increase the country’s participation in Horizon 2020. In an interview with the journal Nature, Dmitry Livanov said that Russia was planning support for researchers in potential areas of international collaboration in Horizon 2020, notably the Future and Emerging Technologies objective under the Excellent Science pillar, as …Detalii

From Baku, Azerbaijan-Partner search for Erasmus+ KA2 project

From Baku, Azerbaijan-Partner search for Erasmus+ KA2 project

 The main purpose of the DIELSA project is to build an electronic library system in the universities of Azerbaijan relevant to EU standards. In this regard, significant steps will be taken on studying the experience of the EU in the field of electronic catalog and its application in the universities ofAzerbaijan. The approval of the Order “on the development of …Detalii

JRC news update

JRC news update

28JAN2015      Scientific support to digital privacy   The JRC organised today a round table debate focusing on digital privacy in relation to citizens` rights in the light of new technologies and commercial needs, in cooperation with the European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering (Euro-CASE). 27JAN2015      Launch of joint FAO/JRC e-learning course for crop monitoring and food security   …Detalii

Granturi de mobilitate pentru participare la evenimente europene de brokerage

Granturi de mobilitate pentru participare la evenimente europene de brokerage

Centrul Proiecte Internaționale al Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, în calitate de partener al proiectului PC7 IncoNet EaP (, oferă susținere financiară reprezantanților mediului de cercetare și de afaceri pentru participare la evenimente europene de brokerage și alte activități similare ce au tangență cu Programul Orizont 2020. Inițiativa urmărește creșterea vizibilității la nivel european a instituțiilor locale și stabilirea contactelor de lungă durată …Detalii

H2020 Work Programme 2014-15: Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Call: H2020-TWINN-2015: Twinning Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


IMPORTANT NOTICE: This document is the result of a compilation of questions received by potential applications prior the deadline and answers provided by the European Commission. Its intention is to help potential applicants. It does not however replace the call text. This is a working document and as such it is being revised on a regular basis. The latest version …Detalii