
Partnership l Urbanization and Wastewater Management & Social Problems (India)


EURAXESS Links India community members at BITS-Pilani (India) are planning for a research project aiming at providing cost-effective technical solutions to social problems. They believe that in almost all parts of the globe people at the grassroots suffer from the issue of affordability. In this regards, affording clean water is a tough call, almost everywhere. And water becomes the source of health hazards on …Detalii

Eveniment de parteneriat în Estonia

Eveniment de parteneriat în Estonia

Centrul Proiecte Internaţionale informează comunitatea ştiinţifică din Moldova despre lansarea granturilor de mobilitate în cadrul proiectului de cooperarea moldo-estoniană „Moldova-Research Horizon Plus”. Granturile sunt adresate cercetătorilor şi reprezentanţilor mediului de afaceri şi au drept scop susţinerea acestora pentru participarea la evenimentul de parteneriat care se va desfăşura în Estonia, în perioada 3-4 decembrie 2014. Obiectivul evenimentului constă în stabilirea contactelor …Detalii

Call for Evaluators 2014/2015, ERA.Net RUS Plus is looking for independent experts to participate in the evaluation of its Joint Calls for Proposals

Call for Evaluators 2014/2015, ERA.Net RUS Plus is looking for independent experts to participate in the evaluation of its Joint Calls  for Proposals

Background We are looking for experienced scientists and researchers, who are interested in supporting the peer review of applications to be submitted in response to the recent ERA.Net RUS Plus Joint Calls for  Proposals. The ERA.Net RUS Plus is a FP7 initiative aiming at at promoting a unified European approach to collaborating with Russia in the fields of innovation and …Detalii

Open call – “MOVE-IN Louvain” Incoming post-doc Fellowships

Open call – “MOVE-IN Louvain” Incoming post-doc Fellowships

     “MOVE-IN Louvain” Incoming post-doc Fellowships is a new transnational fellowship programme developed by the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in partnership with the Université de Namur (UNamur) and the Université Saint-Louis (ULS-B) with the support of the European Commission (Marie Curie actions).In line with the European Research Area (ERA) objectives, the programme’s goal is to create favourable conditions …Detalii

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Moldova join COSME, the EU’s financing programme for small and medium-sized enterprises

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Moldova join COSME, the EU’s financing programme for small and medium-sized enterprises

    Today, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship Ferdinando Nelli Feroci signed two Agreements with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Moldova formalising the entry of both countries in the EU’s Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Programme (COSME) (2014-2020). It is the first time a country from the Eastern Partnership, Moldova, joins this programme. COSME, with …Detalii