
Proposal preparation and evaluation criteria

Proposal preparation and evaluation criteria

Proposal preparation and evaluation criteria Marlen Damjanović | Euresearch Overview Why participating in Horizon 2020? Proposed Work Programme Cycle + timeline  How it worked so far (in FP7 Health) – time line of proposal preparation – project idea to contract of the proposal  Keys to success  Project examples: FP7 Health

Horizon 2020 Participation Rules

Horizon 2020 Participation Rules

Horizon 2020 Participation Rules Rocio Escolano | APRE Content of presentation Horizon 2020 – Participation Rules International cooperation  

Societal Challenges_ Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Societal Challenges_ Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Societal Challenges_ Health, demographic change and wellbeing  Rocio Escolano | APRE Content of presentation Horizon 2020 – Overview Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Horizon 2020 in a nutshell

Horizon 2020 in a nutshell

Horizon 2020 in a nutshell  Teresa Corral | Institute of Health Carlos III, Spain Content of presentation Horizon 2020: key objectives Priority 1: Excellent Science  Priority 2: Industrial Leadership  Priority 3: Societal Challenges  EIT / JRC

Introduction to Horizon 2020

Introduction to Horizon 2020

   Introduction to Horizon 2020 Marlen Damjanović | Euresearch Overview Historical milestones in the European Union European Research Policy           – Development and evolution of European Research and   Technological Framework Programmes Lisbon Strategy European Research Area (ERA) Europe 2020 Five targets of Europe 2020 7 flagships Initiatives of Europe 2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF, 2014-2020) What is …Detalii