
“International Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference” (ISSTC-2014) Instanbul, Turkey

“International Semiconductor  Science and Technology Conference” (ISSTC-2014) Instanbul, Turkey

Dear Colleague, It is our great pleasure to invite you for the “International Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference” (ISSTC-2014) organized by Department of Engineering Physics of Istanbul Medeniyet University. The conference is to be held at 13-15 January 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. This will be the 1st of our International Conference Series on Semiconductor Science and Technology. Today, research on semiconductor science …Detalii

EEN Newsletter, no 280 / 31-2013

EEN Newsletter, no 280 / 31-2013

Enterprise Europe Network carries out a variety of events to promote their activities to companies and organisations at regional, national or European level. The events provide you the opportunity to meet potential cooperation partners during pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, to present your business or technology offers. Read more…

The Latest On-camera Field Monitor Exhibition Invitation from Mustech


Greetings from Mustech Display Industry Co., Ltd.! We are specializing in the development and manufacture ofdisplay products (including on-camera field monitor, digital microscope etc). All products are CE/FCC/RoHS certified. We would like to introduce to you our newest 5” on-camera field monitor M501.Compared with other on-camera monitor products in the market, the advantage of ours are as follows: 1.     Nice cosmetic design 2.      Easy to …Detalii

Agenda digitală: oameni de știință elvețieni, francezi și germani dezvoltă ochi de insectă artificiali în miniatură care ar putea contribui la prevenirea accidentelor

Agenda digitală: oameni de știință elvețieni, francezi și germani dezvoltă ochi de insectă artificiali în miniatură care ar putea contribui la prevenirea accidentelor

După ce au analizat modul în care funcționează ochii insectelor, oameni de știință din Elveția, Germania și Franța au proiectat și au construit, în miniatură, primii ochi artificiali curbați compuși pe deplin funcționali. Proiectul „CURVACE” a primit 2 milioane EUR din fonduri UE pentru a dezvolta ochi de „insectă” în miniatură, care au un mare potențial industrial în domeniul roboticii mobile, …Detalii

International Training Seminar on Climate Change policies

International Training Seminar on Climate Change policies

             The Energy Policy and Development Centre (KEPA)    in cooperation with the US center of Stockholm Environment Institute in Massachusetts, is organizing the   International Training Seminar on Climate Change policies  (Trends, Modeling – LEAP, Evaluation – AMS)       11 – 15 November 2013 KEPA premises, Athens, Greece       The International Training Seminar on …Detalii