Archive for February, 2013

Water EIP: Strategic Implementation Plan and Call for Action Groups launched


The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Water has launched its Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP). The Water EIP is aslo currently calling for expressions of interest for its Action Groups, which will be central to its implementation. The initiative brings together the water industry, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the research community, local governments, major water users and finance in order to speed the development and uptake pf innovative solutions to water challenges in Europe and beyond. The SIP includes details on the structure and governance of the EIP, as wellas its priorities. The five priority areas of the Water EIP are: Water re-use and recycling; water and wastewater treatment; …Detalii

ROSTeu-ul saptamanii 18-22 februarie 2013

ROSTeu-ul saptamanii 18-22 februarie 2013

ROSTeu-ul saptamanii 18-22 februarie 2013

TWAM 2013 International Conference & Workshops Transboundary water management across borders and interfaces: present and future challenges 16-20 March 2013, Aveiro, Portugal


TWAM 2013 International Conference & Workshops Transboundary water management across borders and interfaces: present and future challenges 16-20 March 2013, Aveiro, Portugal Conference workshops – registration now open!       SWAT Workshop (16 and 17 March 2013) The workshop will train users in SWAT2009. The two-day beginner’s workshop is designed to introduce new users to the model, review necessary and optional …Detalii

EEN Newsletter, no 257 / 8-2013

EEN Newsletter, no 257 / 8-2013

Enterprise Europe Network carries out a variety of events to promote their activities to companies and organisations at regional, national or European level. The events provide you the opportunity to meet potential cooperation partners during pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, to present your business or technology offers. EEN Newsletter, no 257 / 8-2013

Baza de date a infrastructurilor europene de cercetare


Baza de date a infrastructurilor europene ofera posibilitatea identificarii instalatiilor si echipamentului de cercetare in domeniul de interes. De asemenea, exista posibilitatea includerii informatiei despre infrastructura de cercetare din RM, proces care trece printr-o procedura de validare. Pentru a fi incluse in baza de date, elementele de infrastructura trebuie sa intruneasca urmatoarele conditii:       Sa ofere resurse, echipament …Detalii

FCH-JU-2013 FP7Call Brokerage Event, March 12th, Bucharest, Romania


Several calls for projects are open under the FP7 RTDI Program. A particular characteristic of FP7 was the implementation of Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI). An example of such JTI is the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU). This Platform has been developed as a public-private partnership and it is coordinating dedicated calls for projects supporting the implementation of …Detalii