Archive for March 1st, 2013

CALL for Participation in FP7 Proposers Workshop (March 4-6, 2013)


In the framework of the MOLD-ERA project the last round of three-day workshops will be organised on March 4-6 2013. The event entitled „Proposers Worskhop” will cover such aspects as: project implementation and impact, how to maximize your funding, project best practice, typical errors and advice, as well as the current status on Horizon 2020. The workshop concerns the participation of PhD students and young researchers from research institutions, universities, …Detalii

Concurs de selectare a Punctelor Naţionale de Contact pentru Programul Orizont 2020 al Uniunii Europene (2014-2020)


Concurs de selectare a Punctelor Naţionale de Contact pentru Programul Orizont 2020 al Uniunii Europene (2014-2020) În contextul lansării de la 1 ianuarie 2014, de către Comisia Europeană, a noului Program Cadru în domeniul cercetării-inovării „Orizont-2020” (H2020), Centrul Proiecte Internaţionale al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei anunţă concursul pentru ocuparea poziţiilor vacante de Puncte Naţionale de Contact (NCP-uri) pentru noul program (lista posturilor vacante …Detalii

Launch of Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan


The EC has published a strategy called ’Entrepreneurship 2020 which aims to better support entrepreneurs as a way toreturn to growth and levels of employment in Europe. Key elements of the action plan include education and training measures to nurture new generations of entrepreneurs, and tackling obstacles to entrepreneurship in Europe bymeans of simpler procedures for new bu sinesses and improving access to finance.  The action plan …Detalii