Archive for June, 2013

The European Forum for Science and Industry


The European Forum for Science and Industry was created by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission to exchange views on the needs of industry concerning science and innovation. This Forum brings together on a regular and structured basis public institutions, private companies and adequate networks to discuss themes of key importance for European competitiveness. Relevant economic sectors concerned by this initiative are: Clean transport, Energy, Environment and …Detalii

Newsletter June N°25

Newsletter June N°25

European Forum for Science and Industry Limited progress in the deployment of the RFID tags in the retail sector Following the European Commission Recommendation on the data protection, privacy and security  aspects of RFID-enabled applications (May 2009), the JRC and the Directorate-General for  Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT) have studied the best available techniques to deactivate tags at …Detalii

Invitation for Papers for Scientific Canadian, CJPP, and CJPB

Invitation for Papers for Scientific Canadian, CJPP, and CJPB

Canadian Science & Technology Press Inc. is a Canada based company which aims publishing scientific journals, books, magazines, etc. We welcome all visitors especially university faculty members, researchers, and graduate students. All of our journals are Open Access. This means that we do NOT charge readers for viewing or downloading the full text of the articles. This will lead to …Detalii

First Call for proposals of the project NEWFELPRO open Marie Curie COFUND


First Call for Proposals for financing of fellowships and mobility of researchers under the project NEWFELPRO of the Government of the Republic of Croatia was opened at the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports today. The Call for Proposals, under which 83 fellowships will be made available to researchers, was opened by Mr Željko Jovanović, Minister of Science, Education and …Detalii

BULETIN SĂPTĂMÎNAL al Oficiului Republicii Moldova pentru Ştiinţă şi Tehnologie pe lîngă Uniunea Europeană (MOST)

BULETIN SĂPTĂMÎNAL al Oficiului Republicii Moldova pentru Ştiinţă şi Tehnologie pe lîngă Uniunea Europeană (MOST)

Oficiul Republicii Moldova pentru Ştiinţă şi Tehnologie pe lîngă Uniunea Europeană (MOST), vă aduce săptămînal în instituţiile de cercetare ale Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei şi în instituţiile de învăţămînt superior cele mai relevante  şi importante noutăţi din domeniul european de cercetare- inovare prin intermediul unui Buletin informaţional. Detalii…

EEN Newsletter, no 275 / 26-2013

EEN Newsletter, no 275 / 26-2013

Enterprise Europe Network carries out a variety of events to promote their activities to companies and organisations at  regional, national or European level. The events provide you the opportunity to meet potential cooperation partners during  pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, to present your business or technology offers.Details…