Archive for May, 2017

SWAFS Partner Search from Cyprus


The Heritge Private School Limassol, from Cyprus, engaged in researching and advising on questions related to science and society, is looking to join a consortium. The Heritge Private School Limassol, is intending to submit a proposal to any of the following topics: SWAFS-10-2017: PUTTING OPEN SCIENCE INTO ACTION; SWAFS-11-2017: SCIENCE EDUCATION OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM. More information here…

Schimbul de experienţă privind asocierea la Programul-cadru al Uniunii Europene de Cercetare şi Inovare ORIZONT 2020 (H2020)

Schimbul de experienţă privind asocierea la Programul-cadru al Uniunii Europene de Cercetare şi Inovare ORIZONT 2020 (H2020)
Evenimente în Moldova

Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei  de comun cu Centrul Proiecte Internaţionale cu suportul Comisiei Europene, organizează în perioada 30-31 mai 2017 la Chişinau, evenimentul cu genericul “Schimbul de experienţă privind asocierea la Programul-cadru al Uniunii Europene de Cercetare şi Inovare ORIZONT 2020 (H2020)”. Evenimentul este destinat țărilor Parteneriatului estic. Pănă în prezent asociate la  Programul Orizont 2020 sănt Moldova, Ucraina, …Detalii

CERIC-CEI CONTACT workshop – 26/27 June – Trieste, Italy


CERIC-CEI Training in advanced material characterization in Large Scale Research Infrastructures will be taking place in Trieste (Italy) on June 26/27. The objective of the workshop is to introduce researchers to the scientific opportunities available for them in CERIC (Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium), as well as to guide them in writing successful proposals to get free open access to …Detalii

Project Search from Greece


The University of Pireus, from Greece, engaged in researching and advising on questions related to science and society, is looking to join a consortium. The University of Pireus, is intending to submit a proposal to any of the following topics: SwafS-05-2017: New constellations of Changing Institutions and Actors SwafS-06-2017: Engaging industry - Champions for RRI in Industrial Sectors SwafS-12-2017: Webs of Innovation Value Chains and Openings for RRI SwafS-22-2017: The ethical dimensions of IT technologies: a European perspective focusing on security and human rights aspects More information here…

ASM & STCU lansează apelul de concurs al proiectelor în cadrul Programului „INIŢIATIVE COMUNE DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE”


În conformitate cu prevederile Acordului de Colaborare, semnat la 20 martie 2009 între Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei (ASM) şi Centrul Ştiinţifico-Tehnologic din Ucraina (STCU),  aangajamentului comun ASM-STCU din 04 iunie 2013 de a susţine progresul în sfera cercetare-dezvoltare-inovare din Republica Moldova se lansează apelul de concurs al proiectelor în cadrul programului „Iniţiative Comune de Cercetare-Dezvoltare” pentru următoarele direcţii strategice ale activităţii …Detalii

EU-EaP International Cooperation Barometer – take part in our survey until 5 May!

EU-EaP International Cooperation Barometer – take part in our survey until 5 May!

We cordially invite you to participate in a regional survey under the title EU-Eastern Partnership International Cooperation Barometer in Science Technology and Innovation (STI). The questionnaire has been designed to collect information about the development of framework conditions, cooperation opportunities and potentials of STI between the two regions. Following two rounds in 2015 and in 2016 in previous IncoNet EaP …Detalii