The Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF) – in the context of supporting the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) – will for the first time launch a scientific award called the

The award seeks to encourage young scientists to engage in the scientific examination of issues and questions specifically related to the Danube, and to stimulate the scientific community in theDanuberegion.

As you can see from the announcement it is planned that one prize per country participating in the EUSDR, also including Moldova, will be awarded and sponsored by the BMWF.

 Nomination of candidates can be made until February 14th 2014 to one central address - in electronic form and English language only (for details see attached announcement).

An international jury with participation of the Danube Rectors Conference will be set up to assess the nominations and the best ranked candidate from each country will be recommended as award winner.

The Austrian Minister of Science and Research will invite the grant winners to participate in the award ceremony, which is scheduled to take place inAustriain mid-May.

We kindly ask you to distribute this information among the universities in your country and to encourage them to actively take part in this initiative by nominating suitable candidates for the award.

This award not only gives the possibility to highlight the work and talent of a young researcher from your organization

but it will also strengthen the overall visibility and excellence of the scientific community in theDanuberegion.

If you have any questions related to the award do not hesitate to contact us.

Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research

Department for International Research Cooperation (II/6)

Minoritenplatz 5, A-1014 Wien/Vienna
Office: Rosengasse 2-6, A-1014 Wien/Vienna
Phone: (+43) 1/53120-7171
Fax: (+43) 1/53120-99-7171

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