Archive for May, 2013

EEN Newsletter, no 269 / 20-2013

EEN Newsletter, no 269 / 20-2013

Enterprise Europe Network carries out a variety of events to promote their activities to companies and organisations at regional, national or European level. The events provide you the opportunity to meet potential cooperation partners during  pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, to present your business or technology offers. Details…

CEI – Central European Initiative flashnews -15 May 2013

CEI – Central European Initiative flashnews -15 May 2013

CEI OPEN CALLS CEI Cooperation Fund: Call for Proposals 2013 Deadline: 30 June 2013 The CEI Cooperation Fund, contributed by all CEI member states, co-finances the implementation of small-scale projects (so-called CEI Cooperation Activities) usually taking the form of conferences, seminars, trainings, workshops and festivals. These projects are aimed at capacity building through know-how transfer and exchange of experience among …Detalii

Newsletter May N°22

Newsletter May N°22

 Newsletter May N°22

7th International Conference on Innovative solutions for revitalisation of degraded areas – 2-4 October, Ustron, Poland

7th International Conference on Innovative solutions for revitalisation of degraded areas – 2-4 October, Ustron, Poland

First announcement  7th International Conference Innovative solutions for revitalisation  of degraded areas The thematic scope of the Conference covers all aspects of revitalisation of degraded areas.  This year the Conference will focus on protection and revitalisation of surface waters and  groundwater, including innovative methods, technologies and tools to support aquatic ecosystem  rehabilitation. Water degradation is a priority issue on a …Detalii

Rolul politicilor europene în domeniul C-I-D în dezvoltarea economică a Irlandei


In conformitate cu Clasamentul anual al Inovarii, Irlanda este lider in rindul membrilor UE la capitolul profitului economic de pe urma inovarii. Acest fapt se datoreaza: Performantei de angajare in activitatile bazate pe cunoastere  Contributia produselor inalt si mediu tehnologizate in balanta comerciala  Exporturi de servicii sciento-intensive  Venituri din strainatate de pe urma licentelor si patentelor.        Exemplul Irlandei demonstreaza ca …Detalii