The Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) would like to invite you to participate in the evaluation of proposals submitted under its national research-funding Schemes.

The RPF was founded by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus in 1996 and is the national funding agency for research and innovation activities. The RPF announced in September 2016 the RESTART 2016-2020 Programmes for Research, Technological Development and Innovation which consist of 22 different Programmes aiming to support the research community of Cyprus. More information on these can be found on the Foundation’s website at

This invitation is part of a wider campaign to approach experts from all around Europe, across the scientific spectrum, that have either collaborated with us in past evaluation procedures or have been identified through various platforms, in order to involve them in the evaluation of proposals submitted under RESTART 2016-2020. Targeted invitations will also be sent to experts according to their specific expertise.

Evaluation procedures are conducted remotely by external independent experts, who must be registered on the RPF’s IRIS Evaluators’ Database. Thus, if you would like to be considered in evaluation procedures in the future, please proceed to register (Register as an Evaluator) on our Database, at your earliest convenience. As part of the registration procedure you will be asked to sign a Declaration for Confidentiality.

Please note that all project proposals to be evaluated are in English and evaluation reports are also expected to be submitted in English. Furthermore, an honorarium is offered for participating in an evaluation procedure (honoraria vary depending on the funding Scheme, from €150 to €1.000) whereas in some specific cases Review Panel meetings are convened in Cyprus.

: News