
ERC News Alert


ERC News Statement by ERC President regarding the EFSI budget agreement (29 May) New agreement signed: Japanese researchers to join ERC teams in Europe (29 May) ERC stories Broken hearts may be repaired (19 May) Robotics – spotlight on ERC projects (20 May) Events with ERC participation ERC information event (3 June, Strasbourg, France) World Conference of Science Journalists (8 – 12 June, Seoul, South Korea) …Detalii

2nd Science SLAM Moldova

2nd Science SLAM Moldova
Evenimente în Moldova

Academia de Știinte a Moldovei în colaborare cu Centrul Proiecte Internaționale,Rețeaua Punctelor Naționale de Contact și DAS Foundation organizeaza cea de a 2-a editie a evenimentului “SCIENCE SLAM MOLDOVA”. Eveniment la care se intruneste stiinta/inovatia si creativitatea. Cercetezi într-un domeniu interesant sau ai obținut niște rezultate inedite în cadrul investigațiilor tale ștințifice? Ești pasionat de cercetare și inovație și ai dori  ca toată lumea să afle …Detalii

Post Doc Marie Curie Opportunities in ENEA

Post Doc Marie Curie Opportunities in ENEA

Deadline of the next call for proposals for Individual Fellowships: 10 September 2015, 17:00 Brussels time Post-doc positions in ENEA  - Research Areas: Radiation Biology and Human Health Nuclear Energy (Nuclear Fusion) Materials technologies Climate and the Environment Advanced Technologies for Energy and Industry Renewable Sources Development and applications of radiations Read more…

H2020 Partner Search


Science with and for Society – Partner search: TECO “Technological Eco-Innovations for the Quality Control of Polluted Waters and Soils“ “Computer Networks and Telematics applications lab-University of Macedonia Greece” Bulgarian organization – RISK Electronics Ltd. “SBC-Scientific & Biomedical Information Centre” University in Warsaw, Poland Bulgarian organization – Centre for Innovation and Development (CID) University of Thessaly, LTME Lab   Middle East …Detalii

Danube-INCO.NET Newsletter

Danube-INCO.NET Newsletter

Danube-INCO.NET results Our first period of project activity ended on 30th, April thus several results are now available. They are being presented per pillar in the current and in the following newsletter issues. WP2 – Policy Dialogue Within this work-package, our work has so far aimed at supporting the policy dialogue established mainly in the EUSDR Priority Area Steering Groups. …Detalii