Archive for July 5th, 2013

The Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform Newsletter 4th July 2013


The first year of the Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform produced a lot of discussion around technological solutions and new approaches to smart cities. The exchange of information and best practice promoted by the Platform across Europe, was the pillar and the starting point of all developments and debates in the Working Groups meetings. The Annual Conference was the occasion for… read more  The Smart Cities Annual Conference closes its doors [] …Detalii

Ares 2013 – Communication campaign to improve the accounting practices in the Research for the benefit of SMEs scheme

Ares 2013 – Communication campaign to improve the accounting practices in the Research for the benefit of SMEs scheme

In order to improve the accounting practices in the Research for the benefit of SMEs scheme, DG RTD and the Research Executive Agency have launched a communication campaign targeted to SMEs and RTD performers. As part of this action, attached you will find the following two documents aiming to give guidance on financial issues and in particular accounting: Communication campaign Invoices SMEs – FINAL.DOC Communication …Detalii