Archive for July 9th, 2013

Science at the Service of Europe 2012


Today, the EU’s top priority is to find a way out of the current economic crisis and to put Europe back on the road to sustainable growth. The European Commission is making use of the tools at its disposal to help to achieve this goal.  The Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) supports research and innovation in a wide range of sectors, contributing to the goal of …Detalii

Launch of JMDI E-discussion 8/06/ – 04/08/13, Lancement E-discussion ICMD, Lanzamiento E-discusion ICMD

Launch of JMDI E-discussion 8/06/ – 04/08/13, Lancement E-discussion ICMD, Lanzamiento E-discusion ICMD

The JMDI Team is pleased to announce the launch of a new E-discussion titled “Promoting a territorial approach to migration and development: the practices, frameworks and strategies of local authorities to harness the potential of migration for development”, which represents a joint effort of the JMDI, the UNDP ART initiative and EUNOMAD network. M4D Net Members are invited to share their knowledge and …Detalii