Andalusian Knowledge Agency (AAC) of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment in Andalusia launches THE TALENTIA POSTDOC FELLOWSHIPS offering two-year fellowships, co-financed by the Marie Curie Program of the European Union, to experienced researchers.

Our institution participates in the EU 7th Framework Program via the Marie Curie Action, “Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programs” to stimulate research activities without mobility restrictions, co-financed by the Junta de Andalucía and the European Commission, under grant agreement no 267226.

The Talentia Postdoc Fellowship Call will give the opportunity to 16 experienced researchers to carry out their research with complete independence in their chosen destination. The program includes outgoing and incoming mobility schemes:

Outgoing mobilityfellowships allow experienced researchers to work between 12 and 18 months in their selected destination universities and research centers, and then spend a period of between 6 and 12 months in their selected agent of the Andalusian Knowledge System.

Incoming mobilityfellowships allow experienced researchers to carry out their research for 24 months based in their selected agent of the Andalusian Knowledge System. Applicants to this scheme may originate from any country inside or outside Europe, provided however that they have worked outside Spain for the last 24 months.

For more info on the Call, requirements and conditions please see:

: News