The objective of CONEX (CONnecting EXcellence to UC3M) is to provide training and opportunities for professional development for postdoctoral researchers of any nationality, who are not residents in Spain, so that they can advance in their professional careers while contributing their knowledge to the Spanish scientific university system. Accordingly, applicants who respond to this call can carry out their own research and contribute their experience to the UC3M department or research institution of his/her choice. Thusly, the intention is to connect excellence with UC3M through this mobility programme.

The CONEX programme aims to offer a total of 28 of these types of fellowships. In the first call, to be launched on March 1 and remaining open until May 29, 16 researchers will be chosen: 6 in the category “Very Experienced Professors” -those having more than 10 years of postdoctoral research experience; and 10 in the category “Experienced Professors”-those having 4-10 years of experience since receiving their doctoral degree.

Call for Applicants:
Questions and doubts:

: News