The EU project BLACK SEA HORIZON (abbr. BSH) aims:

  • The support of the EU’s external relations with the target region by significantly contributing to ongoing bi-regional and regional STI policy dialogues, and by increasing the knowledge base about the EU’s external environment,
  • Stimulating bi-regional STI cooperation and to strengthen the EU’s economic competitiveness
  • Contributing to the establishment of supportive framework conditions by facilitating the pooling of resources and by identifying challenging thematic areas for mutual STI cooperation.
Within the BSH a sound policy analysis on obstacles as well as drivers and opportunities to improve the framework for cooperation will be implemented.
In this regard this online survey (filling-in in 5 minutes only) addressing key stakeholders in all EU Member States and non-EU Black Sea Countries has been prepared.
We will be very pleased if you could support our activities by taking a little time to fill our survey:
: News