Joint Programming: answering Europe’s biggest questions

In this edition of the ERA newsletter, we look at how Member States are pooling resources and aligning research agendas to address the societal challenges facing Europe.

Joint Programming was launched in 2008 and is now at an important moment in its history. Ahead of the publication of an evaluation report on Joint Programming, the special focus article explores the progress made by Joint Programming Initiatives and the work that remains to be done. We present the views of the ERA Stakeholder Organisations on what has been achieved so far in this field, as well as their hopes for the future.

At the same time, policymakers and stakeholders have returned to Lund in Sweden to assess the progress made since the 2009 Lund Declaration. A new declaration – the 2015 Lund Declaration – was presented and discussed. Its main message is that “Europe must speed up solutions to tackle grand challenges through alignment, research, global cooperation and achieving impact.” It identifies four priority areas, each with defined priority actions, and calls on all stakeholders to take these priorities into account in their field of responsibility.

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