On 18-19 February will be carry out “S3 Design Learning Workshop”  workshop on smart specialisation (S3) strategy design for non-EU countries organized by S3 Platform based in Joint Research Centre of European Commission in cooperation with The Academy of Sciences of Moldova in Chisinau.

The S3 approach for research and innovation strategies has been mostly applied at the EU countries and regions where it has been a requirement for regions implementing operational programmes with the European Structural & Investment Funds. Following this innovative approach towards regional development EU countries and regions have identified a limited number of S3 priority areas for knowledge-based investments, focusing on their strengths and comparative advantages.

In order to enable Danube countries outside the EU benefitting from S3 methodology, the S3 Platform is organising the “S3 Design Learning Workshop” where the number of experts from the countries, which have already developed their S3 strategies, will share their experience on different steps of the S3 process. The foreseen knowledge transfer through the teaming of the EU regions and those outside the EU in trans-national policy learning process enables exchanging ideas, and increasing cohesion of the regions through the knowledge transfer. Improved research and innovation strategies containing S3 approach could become the drivers of technology upgrading and provide unique competitive advantages for the countries and regions outside the EU.
