The Danube Water Program is a joint initiative of the International Association of Danube Water Works (IAWD) and the World Bank, initially funded by the Government of Austria, to support the water supply and waste water sector in improving operational practice within the Danube Region.
There will be two separate Calls for Applications for Competitive Grants

Call 1 – September 30, 2013 (Funds available up to 500,000 Euro)
Call 2 – Spring 2014 (Funds available up to 400,000 Euro and funds leftover from Call 1)

A Call for applications is now open for actions to support local, national, and regional utility management and operational practices improvement. The value of the grants should be between 25,000 – 75,000 Euro.
The deadline for submitting Applications is September 30, 2013.

The application should contain a project concept and outline of the proposed activities and estimated budget and be submitted via email to the Danube Water Program with a copy to The application should be submitted in English only.

Organizations (Government Agency, Utility Association, Municipal Authority, Academic, Utility, NGO etc.) in the following countries are eligible: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo*, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine.
The funding (which will be administered on behalf of the applicant by the Danube Water Program) can be used to finance consulting services, operational costs, minor goods and training expenses.
The grant cannot finance works. The duration of the activities under the grant must be one year or less. Proposal which are similar in nature or target group may be asked to be combined to create maximum benefit and reduce the costs of the project.

Evaluation Criteria
The Criteria for acceptance of the grants will be based upon the following key elements:
· The grant application is coming from an institution active and involved in water supply and waste water treatment in the country or region;
· Connection of the proposed activity to other activities associated with utility management and operational practices improvement in the country or region and alignment with the Danube Water Work Plan;
· Government and organizational endorsement of the activity;
· Potential for achieving sustainable impact and replicability;
· Co-financing or in-kind support for the activity from local organizations or institutions.

Danube Water Program, C/O World Bank, Praterstrasse 31/19, Vienna 1020, Austria

Mr. Weller ( or

: News