The 5th HR Excellence in Research Logo – AWARD

The 5th HR Excellence in Research Logo – AWARD

The “Human Resources Strategy for Researchers” (HRS4R) is a procedure designed to supports and assist research institutes and funding organisations in the implementation of the Charter and Code of Conduct. The European Charter and Code of Conduct motivates us to “build” research institutions more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or for a host for their research project. …Detalii

Grants for participating in Brokerage Events or in Preparatory Meetings

Grants for participating in Brokerage Events or in Preparatory Meetings

The Center of International Projects of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, as partner of EaP PLUS Project, announces the launch of a new call for networking grants which financially support the participation of local researchers from Eastern Partnership countries in Brokerage Events related to Horizon 2020, as well as in Preparatory Meetings for the development of concrete project proposals …Detalii

Concursul pentru suplinirea postului vacant de economist la Centrul Proiecte Internaţionale


Condiţii de participare la concurs: 1. Cerinţe generale: Să deţină cetăţenia Republicii Moldova şi domiciliul stabil în Republica Moldova; Posedă limba de stat scris şi vorbit, cunoaşterea limbii engleze este un avantaj; Să dispună de capacitate deplină de exerciţiu; Să dispună de studii necesare prevăzute pentru funcția  respectivă (studii superioare economice); Calificări / specializări in domeniul financiar; Cursuri de perfecţionare …Detalii

JRC Newsletter update – 19/01/2017


Integrating migrants: education and vocational training key to address disadvantages First-generation migrants who arrive before the age of 15 and second-generation migrants overall perform better than the rest of first-generation migrants, sometimes nearly as well as their native counterparts. Read more… Newsletter

ISPIM Innovation Management Dissertation Award 2017


Our community relies on the current crop of PhD researchers to develop the insights, theories and tools to shape the future of innovation management thinking and action. The ISPIM Innovation Management Dissertation Award, sponsored by Innovation Leaders and Wiley will reward this endeavour. Authors of the best three dissertations, as selected by the Scientific Panel, will be able to attend …Detalii