Join us for the LET’S 2014 Conference “Leading Enabling Technologies for Societal Challenges”

Join us for the LET’S 2014 Conference “Leading Enabling Technologies for Societal Challenges”

        LET’S 2014 Leading Enabling Technologies for Societal Challenges a major event organised in the context of the Italian Presidency of the European Union exploring the role of the Key Enabling Technologies in facing the Societal Challenges pinpointed by Horizon 2020. Bologna – Italy, September 29th – October 1st 2014 Thanks to the focus of the event, stakeholders and delegates from very different research and industrial domains will …Detalii

Call for contributions: “Future oriented-technology analysis” conference, 27 and 28 November 2014 in Brussels


The JRC is launching a call for abstracts for the fifth edition of the “Future oriented- technology analysis” (FTA) conference. Focused on the theme “Engage today to shape tomorrow”, it will be held on 27 and 28 November 2014 in Brussels. There are three main themes that will help structure contributions and discussions: FTA and Innovation Systems Creative interfaces for …Detalii

MedEspera – congresul studenţilor şi tinerilor medici entuziaşti

MedEspera – congresul studenţilor şi tinerilor medici entuziaşti
Infodays and Trainings

     Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie “Nicolae Testemițanu”  a fost marcată de un eveniment semnificativ – desfăşurarea Congresului Internaţional al Studenţilor şi Tinerilor Medici – MedEspera, ediţia a V-a 14-16 mai 2014.  Forul ştiinţific  a fost organizat de Asociaţia Studenţilor şi Rezidenţilor în Medicină şi a întrunit peste 1200 de participanţi din 15 ţări ale lumii, care …Detalii

Reminder – Second open call for the 2014 PROMITHEAS Conference

Reminder – Second open call for the 2014 PROMITHEAS Conference

  The 7th International Scientific Conference on “Energy and Climate Change” of the PROMITHEASnet will take place at the premises of NKUA (Kostis Palamas building) on October 8-10, 2014 in Athens, Greece. The event is asked to be set under the auspices of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation organization (BSEC) as it happened in all past years. The Conference, starting …Detalii

PROMITHEAS Newsletter – Issue 46


This bimonthly newsletter of the PROMITHEAS Network is distributed free of charge to more than 23,000 recipients in one hundred seventy (170) countries. It includes information about the network activities, its members and events concerning energy and climate change research. Its content reflects the network views and the European Commission is not liable for the information contained. Read more…